1. Open the App Store app.

  2. At the top of the screen, tap the sign-in button or your photo.


  1. Tap Redeem Gift Card or Code. If you don’t see Redeem Gift Card or Code, sign in with your Apple ID. If you forgot you Apple ID please check this guide.


  1. Tap Enter code and paste your promo code.


  1. Click Done.

    Note*.* In the United States, when you redeem a gift card to your Apple Account balance, the balance might appear in Apple Wallet.

  2. Check if the promo code applied successfully. Open the Thera app and check if you see the crown icon on you profile avatar at the top left corner of the screen.

  3. If you don’t see the crown icon on your avatar go to the profile screen and find Subscription list item. Click on the Subscription list item.


  1. Click Restore purchases.


  1. If you applied the promo code correctly you will see this bottom modal.


  1. If the items above don’t work, please contact us via [email protected] or Instagram (English) and Instagram (Portuguese). The team will assist you as soon as possible 🙌

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e0ce2e9b-0186-4b7b-88a5-72796c8fe1e6/Logo.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e0ce2e9b-0186-4b7b-88a5-72796c8fe1e6/Logo.png" width="40px" /> With the applied promo code, you will have access to


<aside> 📌 When the time of the promo code is over, you will be automatically converted to an auto renewable subscription. So if you want to cancel a auto renewable subscription, you need to cancel it manually before the end of the free trial that the promo code gives you.
